Hair Perm; Pros & Cons

It is already couple of decades that women are trying to solve one beauty dilemma. Is it worth to go for hair perm or not? If you also cannot decide what to do, I want to show you pros and cons of hair perm and may be then you will be able to make up your mind. Defined and romantic curly hairstyles are the dream of many women.



As curly and wavy hairstyles are coming back with new allure every year, hair perm still remains the best way to have effortlessly curly hairstyle. I mean what can be better than washing hair and air drying without those steps of styling tresses with curling iron or rollers. So here is hair perm’s first advantage – long lasting effect.

The most important disadvantage of hair perm is damage. As the process is done with harsh chemicals, it can easily damage hair and make it dry and frizzy. This is quite serious disadvantage and it should be seriously considered without making decision.

Still the problem of hair damage is partially solved due to high quality chemicals that are less harmful for hair as well as new ways of hair perm that gives an opportunity to create different styles of curls and waves.

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